Thursday 7 April 2016


Agriculture remains the largest contributor to the national economy, producing commodities/livestock for exports as well as food for domestic consumption and raw materials for the domestic industries. It is the largest employer of labour and sustains the majority of the population through both cash income as well as substance production.  In order to improve the sector the Government is implementing with new vigour the Agriculture sector Development Program (ASDP) launched in 2006/7. Agriculture is defined to include: crop production, animal husbandry and fish farming.
Implementation of KILIMO KWANZA (meaning Transforming Agriculture) entails mordernisation of agriculture: increase crop production, improve livestock husbandry and undertaking fish farming. In crop production the aim is to: increase the acreage under cultivation by using modern farm implements such as tractors and power tillers, improving knowledge and increasing acreage under irrigation, using improved seeds and fertilizer, control of pests and investing in large scale farming. In animal husbandry the aim is to increase production of meat, milk and poultry products. In the fisheries sector the aim is to increase fish farming, improve fish yields and fish catch and at the same time improve environmental management.
KILIMO KWANZA entails mobilisation of the active participation of all Tanzanians, the Development Partners and Private sectors to enhance the agricultural economy. Detailed information and guidance is provided through printed and electronic literature.

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