Saturday 2 January 2016


A sudden impact such as a natural disaster or conflict triggers the displacement of populations. We supply immediate short-term relief by providing safe water and basic sanitation; emergency medical care A sudden impact such as a natural disaster or conflict triggers the displacement of populations.

We supply immediate short-term relief by providing safe water and basic sanitation; emergency medical care and basic health services; temporary shelter; distribution of food and other urgently needed items.

Definition and characteristics
Displaced populations leave their homes in groups, usually due to a sudden impact, such as an earthquake or a flood, threat or conflict. There is usually an intention to return home.

Migration and displacement are interlinked, but must be distinguished. Displaced populations – either across borders such as refugee influxes, or within a country because of disasters or armed conflict – usually need relief operations combined with efforts aiming at collective and lasting solutions. Migration on the other hand usually involves more individual social assistance, legal protection and personal support. 
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